The Best Kind of Travel Experiences - PENGALAMAN | EXPERIENCES


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Best Kind of Travel Experiences

The Best Kind of Travel Experiences

The question this article will try to answer is simply this. What is the best kind of travel experience you could have?

The answer in a nutshell is that it will be different for everyone, because our tastes and experiences are all so different and unique.

The more you give it thought, the more you come to realise that there could be certain criteria everyone would have in common. For example would you wax lyrical about your travel experience to other people?

Is it something that you would freely recommend others to do? In terms of memories is it something you will always remember.

As you can see once you begin to try to explain about an experience you had when you were travelling on vacation, and it need not be on vacation either, it could even be on business, then a whole range of thoughts begin to come into mind.

It might be a sense of wonderment when you saw a building or a view for the first time. It could be something as iconic as the Taj Mahal, or the feeling of walking in giant's feet as you stood on the first tee of the Old Course in St Andrews in Scotland the home of golf.

Everyone of us has had moments like these if we travel. It can be as simple as opening your curtains to see Hong Kong harbour in its full night time glory, or being in the crowd at Twickenham to see a memorable game of rugby.

Perhaps you have a memory of an epic train journey followed by being taken into the home of a stranger and being made to feel part of his family, or sitting in a bath of hot sulphur mud  with total strangers who have become lifelong friends because of the shared experience.

It could be something as simple as a pure child's treble voice in a soaring cathedral in South America, the list could go on and on.

Experiences are emotional things, like grown men crying at their first sight of the Pyramids, or Mount Everest at dawn, or gorillas in the mist. No person can possibly tell what experience you will have in the future that will have the kind of effect on you that you have to tell the world.

All I know is this, and it is quite simply that it won't happen at home. It will however happen after a journey, particularly a difficult journey to a place which as of now you have never seen.

You are only here once, for goodness sake get out into the world and see things you need to see to make your life complete.

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