Travel Experiences That You Can Learn From - PENGALAMAN | EXPERIENCES


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Travel Experiences That You Can Learn From

Travel Experiences That You Can Learn From

Relaxation and entertainment assume different forms for different people. While some go to movies or parties, others go for plays and music shows. However, there are some for whom relaxation holds a completely different meaning. Such people prefer to be in solitude or spend some quality time travelling with their family or friends. Travelling can be great experience as it can provide you with relaxation, entertainment and some valuable life experiences simultaneously. Travelling helps you mature as a person. It makes responsible men out of boys and helps you learn about the world. No wonder travelers always have a trove of great travel stories to tell.

Travelling can be a great fun. Visiting different well-known destinations and unknown places can be an enriching and educating experience. Many people have grown up reading and listening to exciting and adventurous travel stories. A lot has been written about destinations like the Rohtas Fort, Peer Sohawa, Murree and Lahore City in Pakistan; as well as other touring spots in Jamaica and Indonesia. However, there is a vast difference between reading about a place in a travel guide and actually having a first-hand experience of the place. These destinations offer a unique experience on their own. Anybody visiting these places has their own travel story to narrate. Such tales make for good nostalgic readings. It doesn't just reflect on the historical background of these places, but also gives me an insight into the unrecorded history of the place, the people and the era. Many authors have made careers out of travel writings and have earned a massive fan following over the years.

Then, there are the new and interesting people you meet when you visit a tourist destination. These locals always have many different travel stories to tell. Most people, who are regular travelers and who visit famous places, end up making friends all over the world. In fact, after their first few visits to a place, there is no need to worry about hotel bookings as they know the best places and hangouts in town. These new-found friends can often give sound travel advice to the tourist and make his stay a bit more comfortable and hassle-free. Also, knowing new people could be a great experience as you can learn about new things and details about the place. Some tourists make an effort to keep in touch with their friends and share their travel experiences.

'The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page,' said St. Augustine. How very true! The experience that a person gets from travelling to different places is unmatched by anything else in life. Such trip experiences can teach you so much about life, about places, about people and, more importantly, about yourself. If you are someone who loves travelling alone, then you are sure to learn a lot from these travels. Travelling teaches you a thing or two about the difference between loneliness and being alone. To know more, you can go online and look for travel stories.

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