The phrase 'faster, better' feels suitable pinned to describe urban dynamics. City people are accustomed to a lifestyle that is practical and modern, including even in drinking matters. For example when brewing tea or coffee. Instead of having to waste time cooking water, it would be more practical to use hot water from a dispenser.
Increasingly, the presence of dispensers seems to be mandatory. This is seen almost every house has this electronic water container. The choice of dispenser especially if it were not for practical reasons. We can get hot or cold water at the same time without the need to cool or heat it up first.
Not only at home, electronic furniture is also plural decorate the corner of the office pantry or it could be your own workspace. Unfortunately, the intensity of using a dispenser is not proportional to our concern for cleanliness. Not a few people are ignorant about this. No matter how good the quality of gallon water you buy, but if the dispenser is dirty, it's useless.
Water will automatically be polluted by various types of bacteria. This is not making it up. This is reinforced from the results of the latest research reported by the Times of India, Tuesday (02/13/2018). Based on this research, the water dispenser you consume may be contaminated with germs or bacteria due to dirty drains inside.
Horrified, the National Science Foundation International said, in every one square inch of water cooling in the dispenser it turns out there could be 2.7 million germs. Well try to answer, how many times have you cleaned a water dispenser at home since you first bought it? Citing, Friday (09/14/2012), formerly dispenser companies always provide free services for dispenser cleaning.
However, due to lack of professional knowledge and equipment, the free service personnel only clean the exterior. In fact, because they want to reduce costs, cleaning is carried out perfunctory by using inexpensive cleaning agents. But now, another story. Some water dispenser companies have implanted the latest technology related to sterility. For example Antimicroba Water Pipe which is embedded in Polytron Hydra PWC 777.
With the embedded pipe made from non chlorofluoro carbon (CFC), the Polytron Hydra dispenser can be free from bacterial danger. Previously CFC chemical compounds were often used in electronic goods that functioned as coolers, including dispensers. But the effects of its use turned out to damage the earth's ozone layer. So that's the reason electronics manufacturers are switching to non-CFC materials. With the hope that it can better protect the environment, so that the impact is felt for health.
Free bacteria is not enough Free from bacteria alone does not seem enough. There are still other potential health hazards that lurk dispenser users. It's no longer a matter of the cleanliness of drinking water or the dispenser, but this is more to your activities when replacing empty gallons. Gallons containing drinking water generally weigh up to 19 kilograms. If the gallon is lifted in the wrong posture, there is a risk of injury. Reported by (02/09/2018), the activity of lifting heavy loads has the potential to make uterine prolapse, a condition in which pelvic floor muscles and ligaments weaken.
Other injuries, namely the occurrence of nerve pain due to excessive pressure when lifting gallons. To avoid these risks, there are at least two ways that need to be done. First lift the gallon with the right technique. Reporting from, when lifting the gallon try to keep the curvature of the spine flat, don't take a kneeling position but squat. Furthermore, when the gallon has been lifted, as much as possible set the load on the knee stack. Avoid swerving or turning around, especially suddenly.
Try to keep your body position straight and gallons parallel to the body. Thus, the risk of back and muscle injuries from changing gallons can be prevented. But rather than having to lift up, avoid using a dispenser that has a gallon above. Now many dispensers place their gallons at the bottom. This type is better known as a gallon dispenser below.
This can be found on the Polytron Hydra PWC 777. Thanks to the Easy Loading System, gallon refilling can be done by anyone with just three easy steps. First, pull the slider, then place the gallon, and finally push the slider back. Really safe for health, right? Well, besides being safe for health, this dispenser is also safe for small children.
Children often find children accidentally playing with the tap dispenser. Usually after opening, the tap doesn't automatically close. Of course this is dangerous if the hot tap is open. However, you don't need to worry about this if you have a dispenser with Protective System features such as the Polytron Hydra PWC 777 which is a hot water safety lock.
The key will always return to its default position after use, making it safe for your baby. Let's start living healthy by starting with a clean, safe and well-maintained dispenser
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