The Indonesian Medical Association (PB IDI) executive board stated that there has been no specific research that proves that Covid-19 transmission can occur through cigarette smoke intermediaries exhaled by people infected with the virus. Corona virus is known to spread through droplets.

"Then, can the cigarette smoke transmit it? There has been no research," PB PBI Chairperson Dr. Daeng M Faqih said here on Tuesday.
According to Daeng, because the cigarette smoke enters the respiratory tract or throat, it is feared to potentially infect others. Although until now there has been no research to prove that cigarette smoke exhaled by Covid-19 sufferers contains a virus, but it is very worried.
Therefore, he said, people were asked to be more careful. "Because smoking cigarettes into the throat, it is very worried that the smoke released contains a virus," he said.
If a Covid-19 sufferer smokes and then releases a droplet or splashes of saliva, sneezing, and cough, according to Daeng, then it can transmit the virus to those around him.
"If it splashes, it can infect," he said.
Daeng also explained that active smokers would be more susceptible to Covid-19, because in the human respiratory tract there is a mechanism to capture and remove all impurities, including microorganisms that enter. He said, active smokers cause the mechanism in the respiratory tract to be damaged so it is more susceptible to attack, because it can not filter the impurities that enter, including microorganisms.
"So smoking damages the respiratory tract," he said.
Until Monday (4/13), at 16:10 WIB, the number of Covid-19 patients recovered in the country reached 380 people, while 3,778 people were treated, 399 people died, and 4,557 people were confirmed.
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